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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Brooke Mueller Will NOT Take a Drug Test!

The troubled Brooke Mueller just refused to submit to a court-ordered drug test.

Anytime "refused" and "court-ordered" are in the same sentence? Not good.

Sources say Brooke has fallen off the wagon lately, culminating when she was spotted at a pawn shop Friday trying to hawk a watch and a stereo.

That would be sad enough, but under her custody settlement agreement with Charlie Sheen, Brooke Mueller is required to submit to drug testing.

A test was scheduled for 6 p.m. yesterday. The people came to her home with the test, but her lawyer, Ron Rale, told them she wasn't taking it.

It's unclear if Brooke was present at the time, or if she is still MIA. But either way, under the settlement, a refusal is considered a dirty test.

It's also unclear what Charlie and his lawyer will do now. But he's already warned her that you don't mess with a Warlock and expect to win.

The plan for Charlie, according to sources close to the situation, is to ask the court for the temporary custody of the boys if Mueller goes to rehab.

He's concerned for Brooke, but his first priority is the boys' safety. Can you imagine Charlie Sheen as the SAFER of two options? Actually possible!

Stay tuned to the second craziest celebrity news story of the weekend (the fight that got Nicolas Cage arrested takes the cake) as it unfolds ...

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